Academic, API, Integration, SISTER-API, WaterfallAbstract
Digital transformation in higher education emphasizes the importance of information technology in enhancing management efficiency, including the management of lecturers' workloads. This study aims to design a Full-Time Equivalent Teaching Load (EWMP) calculation system integrated with the Integrated Resource Information System (SISTER), implemented by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (KEMDIKBUDRISTEK). The application was developed using the Waterfall methodology and leverages the SISTER Application Programming Interface (API) to automate the collection of lecturer activity data at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang (UDINUS). By integrating the workload calculation application into the internal management system, this solution streamlines data recording, reduces manual errors, and enhances accuracy in the evaluation of lecturer performance. The test results indicate that the application successfully synchronizes data with SISTER in an accurate and real-time manner, supporting more effective workload management for lecturers. Additionally, the system provides reports and analyses of lecturer workloads, facilitating resource planning and allocation. This application is expected to contribute to a more transparent, accurate, and quality-driven human resource management process in higher education.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Danny Oka Ratmana, Muhammad Syaifur Rohman, Fahri Firdausillah, Galuh Wilujeng Saraswati
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