Fuzzy Tsukamoto, Prediction, Harvest, Paddy, IndramayuAbstract
Strategic efforts to maintain rice production, which is the staple food of the Indonesian people, must continue to be carried out, one of which is maintaining production in rice-producing areas such as Indramayu Regency is a step that must be prioritized. Knowing the prediction of the upcoming rice harvest is the right effort to make. Fuzzy Tsukamoto logic is a method that can be used as a calculation to make predictions, the selection of fuzzy Tsukamoto is due to its ability to predict with factors that have uncertainty such as rainfall, in addition, land area and harvest yields can also be used as variables to obtain predictions through fuzzy Tsukamoto. This study was conducted to implement fuzzy Tsukamoto for predicting rice harvest yields, where the results of the fuzzy Tsukamoto logic process that have been carried out produce six rules at the inference stage in the category of increasing or decreasing harvests, which are used as the basis for the defuzzification process to find the output value of the harvest. The calculation results are then applied in a website-based system using the Laravel framework and MySql DBMS so that they can be used to predict rice harvest yields. Based on the prediction process carried out through a system based on the fuzzy Tsukamoto method, out of 31 sub-districts, 16 sub-districts have the potential to experience a decline, and 15 sub-districts have experienced an increase in rice harvest production in Indramayu Regency.
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